There are several things that you should do to make a new kitten feel at home.
First of all they need a good place to sleep that is private and they can feel safe.
Fortunately there are many different types of beds and baskets that are available.
The area that the kitten will be sleeping needs to be free from drafts and as warm and comfortable as possible.
It will need a litter box initially as it will have to stay inside until it becomes accustomed to its surroundings.
The litter box can have shredded newspaper for a cheap alternative but the best content for a litter box is commercial cat litter as it will absorb urine better and won't smell as newspaper will tend to do. This needs to be cleaned out regularly to ensure that it is always clean.
Put the litter box in a quiet corner where the kitten can be private and don't have it where the kitten will be eating its food.
Cleanliness is another important factor with kittens and any utensils, or feeding dishes that are used with its food need to be thoroughly cleaned after every meal.More on making cats feel at home
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